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Bookshelf Wall for Modern Storage Plan in Contemporary Home Design

Coal mining is accompanied by significant inflows of water into mine workings, since the production of 1 tonn of Ukrainian coal involves about 3 m3 of groundwater. It should be noted that for decades no proper attention was paid to the issues of treatment of mine waters on the mining enterprises. Also there remain unresolved issues of treatment of mine waters collected in gathering ponds of closed mines as well as no standards for their carrying back to the hydrographic network have been developed. In 2010 about 36.5 million m3 of highly mineralized mine waters discharged to the surface from the closed mines of Donbas. As for other regions, on the earth's surface of Chervonohrad mining region, which is one of the largest region in the Lviv-Volyn coal basin, there are 200 million m3 of mine water with a total mineralization of 6-8 g / l. Besides, mine waters are contaminated with mineral salts, suspended solids, sulphates that leads to pollution of water tables and violation of their hydrological regime (Phillip Pack 2009).

In case of “dry” conservation of mines the adverse effect on the environment lies in a discharge of mine waters into the surface water bodies. This method of mine closure leads to exhaustion and pollution of water resources, both surface and underground.

In general, every year about 400 million m3 of rock are extracted in the process of underground coal mining in Ukraine. According to the data of Scientific Production Association “Mechanic”, for over 200 years of the development of coal deposits in Ukraine 1100 heaps covering 6.300 hectares of fertile land were formed.

According to the experts each million tons of Ukrainian coal requires about four hectares of land for storage of rock. Lack of vegetation on the waste heaps causes their erosion both by water and air, which further leads to a negative impact on the environment.

We are going to show you how beautiful the house which is designed by Spanish Architectural Firm Terceroderecha Arquitectos. House refurbishment in Silleda was completed last year with 2314 square foot. It was renovation and remodeled which has two volumes separated. The building which looks classic from the front keeps looks so elegant with the nature stone for the wall. For the modern home interior with bookshelf wall bedroom we are sure for having surprise of it.

Considerable part of the liquidated mines has been closed by “wet” conservation method, which has resulted in significant environmental and geological problems, since the flooding of mines increases a man-caused impact on the lithosphere and hydrosphere. Large areas of coal-measure rocks intercepted by mine workings led to deformation of the earth's surface and destruction of residential and industrial objects. Besides, most of liquidated mines are associated with the operating ones and the changes occurring in them affect the existing mines (Hoshovski 2000).

Coal mining is accompanied by significant inflows of water into mine workings, since the production of 1 tonn of Ukrainian coal involves about 3 m3 of groundwater. It should be noted that for decades no proper attention was paid to the issues of treatment of mine waters on the mining enterprises. Also there remain unresolved issues of treatment of mine waters collected in gathering ponds of closed mines as well as no standards for their carrying back to the hydrographic network have been developed. In 2010 about 36.5 million m3 of highly mineralized mine waters discharged to the surface from the closed mines of Donbas. As for other regions, on the earth's surface of Chervonohrad mining region, which is one of the largest region in the Lviv-Volyn coal basin, there are 200 million m3 of mine water with a total mineralization of 6-8 g / l. Besides, mine waters are contaminated with mineral salts, suspended solids, sulphates that leads to pollution of water tables and violation of their hydrological regime (Phillip Pack 2009).

In case of “dry” conservation of mines the adverse effect on the environment lies in a discharge of mine waters into the surface water bodies. This method of mine closure leads to exhaustion and pollution of water resources, both surface and underground.

In general, every year about 400 million m3 of rock are extracted in the process of underground coal mining in Ukraine. According to the data of Scientific Production Association “Mechanic”, for over 200 years of the development of coal deposits in Ukraine 1100 heaps covering 6.300 hectares of fertile land were formed.

According to the experts each million tons of Ukrainian coal requires about four hectares of land for storage of rock. Lack of vegetation on the waste heaps causes their erosion both by water and air, which further leads to a negative impact on the environment.
In other side, the house is made by collaborating with wood material and glass transparent. It looks perfect than we can see how beautiful the interior design inside. The exclusive room with its grey color dominated not only for the wall and floor, but some furniture also in the same. Beautiful bookshelves look so beautiful and tidy. Moreover, for the stairs it can be good place also for saving some books there.

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